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The website allows its users to purchase various products as well as hire different services in a reliable, safe and comfortable way. In order to provide our users with a comprehensive service in the acquisition and/or contracting processes through this website, users must adhere to and fully accept the terms and conditions established in these General Conditions of Sale, in the event that Said users do not agree in whole or in part with the provisions of these General Conditions, they must refrain from acquiring and/or contracting the products and services offered through this website. Given the importance of the foregoing, the fact that the acquisition and/or contracting of products or services through this website implies acceptance of these general conditions is highlighted.

Website. The website available through the domain

Product available. Individually, it will refer to all types of goods, as well as all types of services, regardless of their nature, that are available on the website for purchase, acquisition or contracting, even for free. When reference is made to more than one available product, these will be referred to as "available products".

Product purchased. All types of goods, as well as all types of services, regardless of their nature, once they have been purchased, acquired or contracted by the users of the website. When reference is made to more than one purchased product, these will be referred to as "acquired products".
User. Any person, independent of their nature, who makes use of the website, especially if he or she buys or acquires, intends to buy or acquire, contracts, or intends to contract the products available through the website headline. The owner or owners of the website, which for all legal purposes is RODBOJO IMPORTS & EXPORTS S.A. DE C.V., will be the only person who markets the products available on the website and may be contacted through the following means of contact:

Phone: (871) 222 3910


Owner's address. For all legal purposes, it will be understood that the owner's domicile is located in Coahuila de Zaragoza, specifically at:

Av. Torreón #8820 Col. Nueva Laguna Sur C.P. 27110 Torreon, Coahuila
RFC of the owner. The holder's federal taxpayer registry is: RIA171130I70.

Purchase order. Document generated on the website that will contain the set of products purchased by the user, and that the owner agrees to deliver and/or carry out.

In the event that the user wishes to consult the terms and conditions that regulate the use of the website, they can do so by entering the following electronic address:

For your part, you can consult our privacy notice at the following electronic address:

For all legal purposes, it will be considered that the user is a person with legal capacity to contract and be bound by the terms of this document, in this sense, every user of the website has the obligation to use the website responsibly and correctly. , for which the user agrees to:

Buy, acquire or contract the products available legally and in the event that the user becomes aware of any circumstance that could legally affect the activity carried out through the website, the owner will be informed immediately.
Not make any purchase or acquisition in a simulated or fraudulent manner. In the event that it is verified that the user has carried out any activity of this type, it may be canceled and the corresponding authorities will be notified.
Provide truthful information, when it is required to hire, acquire or buy the available products, even for free.

The website is mainly aimed at users residing in the Mexican Republic, for this reason, RODBOJO IMPORTS & EXPORTS S.A. DE C.V. does not ensure that the website complies with applicable legislation in other countries. In this sense, the owner declines any responsibility that may arise from the use of the website outside of the Mexican Republic.

Likewise, it is reported that these conditions may be modified at any time, therefore, the user is responsible for consulting the updates made to this document, however, in the event that the user buys, acquires or contracts any Of the products available on the website, those that are published at the time the contracting, acquisition or purchase is requested will apply.

Duly registered users may buy, acquire and/or contract the products available on the website, for which they must follow the procedures for this purpose, provide the information requested and, where appropriate, make the corresponding payment.

Once the user completes the acquisition and/or contracting procedure, they will be able to obtain the purchase order, said document will specify the products purchased, that is, the goods and/or services that have been purchased, acquired and/or contracted by the user.

The purchase order must include, among other things, the date on which the products will be delivered, the services performed, or the service will begin to be provided to the user. In the event that there is any breach by the owner, or the purchased product is not available, the user must report it to the owner so that he can take the measures he deems pertinent to satisfy the user's requirements, or, where appropriate, carry out the return of the payment that has been received, said reports must be presented through the following email:

The holder may send the user the purchase order, as well as the invoice thereof, as long as the user has provided the necessary data for it.

In the event that the user considers it pertinent to make a clarification regarding their data or regarding the products purchased, they can do so through the following email:

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the owner is not the manufacturer of the products available on the website, therefore, the user must not only consider the information provided on the website, but must also pay attention to the information, instructions and warnings included in the labeling, manuals and descriptions that accompany the purchased products.

All activity carried out through the website may be registered and/or stored by the owner exclusively for the following purposes:

1.- Keep a record of purchase orders and payments made through the website for purposes of quality of service and customer service.

2.- Constitute a means of proof of the operations carried out on the website, for any legal matter of its competence or interest.

3.- Improve the services provided through the website, among other things, to make the user interface more friendly, facilitate the acquisition and/or contracting of the available products, as well as to make recommendations to the user based on their preferences.

In any case, the provisions regarding the protection of personal data will be addressed, and any doubt or clarification that may be had in relation to this point, or the exercise of the rights established in favor of the user in terms of protection of personal data, may be consulted in our privacy notice, which, as mentioned, can be consulted at

The prices displayed on the website are final and include taxes, and will be presented in Mexican pesos, unless by legal requirement, a different matter is indicated and applied.
Unless a different matter is specifically indicated, the prices of the available products do not include shipping costs, so the cost of shipping may be added to the total amount in case it is managed by the owner, or it may be covered by the user directly in the event that said option is available, in which case, the user will consult the available forms and shipping costs and freely choose the one that he considers most appropriate to his needs.

In no case will additional products or services be added automatically, the user will only cover the cost of the products purchased, and in the event that any additional charge is made, they must report it to the owner immediately through the following email:

The prices that are shown may be modified at any time by the owner, however, the changes that are made will not affect in any way the orders, purchases or contracts with respect to which the user has obtained the order of buys.

Payments will be accepted through:
- Credit card
- Debit
- Wire transfer

Any payment made will be subject to verification, therefore, the purchase order will be generated once the funds (regardless of the means of payment used) are available to the holder, or, it is verified that the collection has been authorized by the financial institution or payment operator. The holder does not assume any responsibility for rejections or delays in payment authorizations by financial institutions or payment operating companies. In these cases, the purchases may be canceled unilaterally by the owner, reimbursing the user for the amounts that have been paid; In the same way, in the aforementioned cases, the shipment or delivery of the purchased products may be suspended or delayed without any responsibility for the owner until the corresponding payments are made.

The user agrees that the charges may be made at the time of the request for the available products, that is, prior to the receipt of the goods, products or services that he acquires, buys or contracts.

In the cases in which it is appropriate to make the physical delivery of the purchased products, these will be carried out in the following territory: throughout the Mexican Republic.
Except for those cases in which there are unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances, or, derived from the personalization of the products purchased, these will be delivered within the period indicated on the website through the shipping method selected by the user. In any case, the maximum delivery period will be 30 calendar days from the issuance of the purchase order. Likewise, home deliveries will be made on working days.

If for some reason, attributable to the owner, the delivery date cannot be met, the user will be contacted to inform them of this circumstance and they may choose between continuing with the purchase, establishing a new date for delivery: or, canceling the purchase order with full refund of amounts paid.

If it is impossible to make the delivery of the products purchased due to the absence of the user, these may be returned to the owner, or sent to the storage centers of the company in charge of the delivery. In these circumstances, this situation must be recorded through a notice placed at the address indicated for delivery, indicating the way in which the products purchased may be sent to the user again, or the place where this you can pick them up.

In the cases in which the user must pick up the products purchased in a specific place, and more than 30 days have elapsed since the products purchased are available for delivery, and they were not delivered due to reasons beyond the control of the owner, it will be understood that the user wishes to withdraw from the purchase order and it will be cancelled. Consequently, the payments received from the user will be returned, except for the additional expenses that the owner has had to make. The maximum term to make this return will be 14 calendar days, from the date the relationship is terminated.

In the cases of purchase or acquisition of goods, it will be understood that the delivery of the purchased products will be made at the moment in which the user or a third party authorized by the user takes material possession of said products, which will be accredited by means of the signature receipt of the order at the address indicated for delivery.
For the purposes of article 2249 of the Federal Civil Code, it will be understood that the sale is completed, from the issuance of the purchase order, for which from that moment, the user will obtain ownership of the products purchased, not However, the user will assume responsibility for the care of the products purchased, as well as the risks involved in their possession, use or storage from the moment of delivery.

In the cases in which the user acquires the products available through the website, they will be assisted by all the rights that as a consumer have been established in their favor in the laws of the Mexican state, and specifically the following:

a) To know prior to the purchase, and/or contracting, the total amount to be paid for the goods, products or services that are offered through the website.

b) In the cases in which the user acquires goods for human or animal consumption, prior to the purchase, the user will have the right to know the elements, substances or ingredients of which they are made or integrated, as well as: their properties, characteristics , expiration date, net content, drained weight or mass, warnings related to its consumption and conservation.

c) Without prejudice to the provisions of tax legislation, the user will have the right to receive the invoice, receipt or voucher for the products purchased, these may be included or attached to the purchase order, and must contain the specific data of the acquisition, purchase, contracting or any operation carried out and that has generated a cost for the user.

d) In the cases in which the user purchases imported products, they will have the right to know the origin of the products, the places where they can be repaired, the instructions for their use in Spanish, and the guarantees that may result. applicable.

e) That the information you provide is treated confidentially, therefore, it may not be disseminated or transmitted to other suppliers or vendors unrelated to the transaction, except by judicial requirement.

f) To know prior to the conclusion of the transaction, the physical address, telephone number and other information necessary to present claims or request clarifications from the owner.

g) In the case of goods or products, you will have the right to withdraw from the acquisition or purchase of the products purchased, without the need for justification, for a period of 3 calendar days and in the event that the products need to be sent to the user, until such time as these They have not been sent by the owner. In these cases, the user will have the right to be reimbursed for all the payments made. The user may withdraw from the acquisition, purchase or contract made through the following email:

In the same way, the user will have the right to return the products purchased, within a period of 10 calendar days, from the date on which they received the goods or products. In these cases, the user will only have the right to be reimbursed for the cost of the goods or products purchased, so they will not have the right to be reimbursed for the expenses that the owner has made to deliver said objects. The user may inform the owner of his intention to return the goods or products, by the means indicated in the previous paragraph. You can also go directly to return the purchased products to the following address:

Av. Torreón #8820 Col. Nueva Laguna Sur C.P. 27110 Torreon, Coahuila

When the return implies the shipment of the product to the holder, the user will assume the shipping costs. In addition, it will be responsible for the decrease in the value of the products purchased resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods or products purchased.
In personalized products, or in those that can deteriorate or expire quickly, as well as optical media that store music or video without packaging, and products that for hygiene or health reasons are received sealed and said seal has been removed After delivery, returns will not be accepted.
The user accepts that any return must be made using the original packaging, include the instructions and documents that accompany the goods or products, and must include a copy of the invoice, receipt or proof of purchase.

In the case of services, the user may not withdraw from their acquisition or contracting, when these have been completed, in any case, they may only claim for a deficiency in their quality. When these are still being carried out, the user may withdraw from them by paying 30% of the total cost, plus the expenses that the owner has made to carry out the user's requirements.

In the case of services to which you have access through a license or subscription, the user will have the right to cancel them, only covering the total cost of the period in which the cancellation is made. It will be up to the user to continue receiving the services until the date on which they have been paid.

In any of the aforementioned cases, the user must communicate his decision clearly and unequivocally.
On the other hand, in cases in which the user considers at the time of delivery that the items he receives do not conform to the provisions of the purchase order, he must contact the owner immediately, and let him know of the defect, or, where appropriate, that you have received objects other than those requested, using the following email for this purpose:

When the user receives products other than those requested, he must return the products he has received and the owner must resend the products actually purchased by the user. In these cases, all shipping or transportation costs will be borne by the owner.

When the user considers that he has received a defective product, the user will contact the owner through the indicated means of contact and will be informed of the way in which the return of the products will be made, and once the Once they have been reviewed, you will be informed within a reasonable period of time if the refund is appropriate, or if it is the case, the restitution of the same. This period may not exceed 10 calendar days.

The refund or restitution of the product will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 15 days following the date on which the origin of the refund or restitution of the item is confirmed. In the cases in which it is appropriate to make the refund due to a defect in the product, the user will be reimbursed all the expenses that he has made, including the delivery costs and the expenses that he has made to carry out the return.

The user will enjoy the guarantees that he can acquire or contract through the website itself, on the products purchased, in the terms legally established for each type of product, the owner responding for defects that the products present within the period established in the guarantee that in its case is acquired.

In addition, the user may validate the guarantees included in the products manufactured by third parties other than the owner. In these cases, you can contact the brand or manufacturer of the product to exercise your rights during the time the warranty is in force.

The user releases the owner of any liability in the following cases:

When there is a failure to comply with the owner's obligations and this is generated by causes beyond the control of the owner, either due to a fortuitous event or force majeure, or due to the breach of a third party on which the owner depends to be able to fulfill their obligations.

When the offenses mentioned in the previous paragraph generate a loss of profit (in any form including: loss of income or expected savings, additional expenses, or breach of the user's obligations to third parties) or any direct or indirect loss that the user, provided that this was not reasonably foreseeable by the parties at the time the purchased products were acquired, purchased or contracted, the owner will not be responsible for said losses.

The same will apply when the aforementioned faults occur due to a breach by the company in charge of making the delivery, or when the same faults derive from events such as those mentioned below: strikes, road closures, acts of vandalism , demonstrations, and in general any activity outside the owner that delays the delivery or causes damage or loss of the product. The foregoing will also apply when the acts mentioned generate a delay, suspension or malfunction of the contracted services.

In the cases mentioned, the owner's obligations will be suspended during the period in which he is unable to comply with his obligations and will have an extension in the term to fulfill them for a period of time equal to the duration of the cause that motivates non-compliance, plus the time that was originally granted to comply with them. The owner will use all reasonable means to find a solution, or an alternative that allows him to comply with his obligations despite the circumstances that affect him.

Nor will the owner be responsible, when the breach of its obligations to the user is derived from a law, decree or administrative order, or by court order.

The owner will not be responsible for the misuse and / or wear of the products purchased that have been used by the user. Likewise, when the user decides to return the purchased products, in no case will the owner be responsible for an erroneous return made by the user. It will be the responsibility of the user to return the correct product.

In the same way, there will be no responsibility for the owner when there are insignificant, minimal or imperceptible differences between the product received and the image that, if applicable, has been shown to promote the good or product.


By using this website, the user accepts that most of the communications with the owner are electronic, that is, through email or notices published on the website.

The user may send notifications and/or communicate with the owner through the contact information indicated in these Conditions and, where appropriate, through the contact spaces that are enabled on the website.

Likewise, unless otherwise stipulated in the purchase order, or in product advertisements, the owner may contact and/or notify the user via email or directly at their address, if this has been provided.

No waiver by the owner of a specific legal right or action in his favor will imply the waiver of other rights or actions derived from a contract or from these General Conditions, nor will it exonerate the user from fulfilling his obligations. In the cases in which the owner waives any of his rights or actions, they must do so in writing, specifically indicating the right or action that is being waived, and, where appropriate, indicating the terms for it to take effect.

Likewise, when the owner omits to make a request to the user regarding the fulfillment of his obligations. In no way can it be understood that said omission implies a waiver of the rights or actions that the owner has in his favor. Nor will it be understood that the user has complied with the obligations.
If any of the parts of these General Conditions were declared null or void by a firm resolution issued by a competent authority, the rest of the clauses and content will remain in force, without being affected by said declaration of nullity.

These General Conditions and any document to which express reference is made in these, as well as the images, and texts that are included in the description of the available products will constitute the entire agreement between the user and the owner in relation to the acquisition, sale, purchase, contracting, or any legal act that they carry out; and supersedes any other prior covenant, agreement or promise established verbally or in writing by the same parties.

The information or personal data that the user provides to the owner in the course of a transaction on the website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the data protection policies (which can be consulted in our privacy notice, available at the following email address: By using the website, the user consents to the processing of said information, and declares that all the information or data provided is true.

The access, navigation and use of the website, as well as the acquisition, purchase and/or contracting of the products available through it, will be governed by the applicable laws in the Mexican state, specifically in Coahuila de Zaragoza.
Any controversy, problem or disagreement related to the interpretation or application of these General Conditions will be submitted to the ordinary jurisdiction of the courts that correspond according to law in the place to which reference is made.

Last modification: 08/01/2023


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Terms and Conditions


+52 (871) 349 0904

Torreon #8820 Nueva Laguna Sur

Zip 27110

Torreon, Coahuila, México

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